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Discover the importance of creating inspiring workspaces in our latest blog as we gear up to relocate to our new Headquarters. Learn how an engaging office environment boosts productivity, attracts top talent, and fosters collaboration and innovation, reflecting our commitment to excellence and continuous improvement.

With less than a week to go until we relocate to our shiny new Headquarters, we thought we’d take a moment to share an insight into the visionary minds of the 3PL Senior Leadership Team, who have been instrumental in driving positive change within the business.

It’s just an office – Right? 

This statement couldn’t be further from the truth and let’s take a moment to explain why.

Post COVID the clamour to return to the office is on the up. The sense of community, teamwork, and combined purpose is hard to replicate at home. With the new norms of hybrid working, the buzz and feel of the office will once again prove as a differentiator in hiring and retaining top talent.

Creating an environment that enhances employee welfare leads to multiple employer benefits including increased attendance and better productivity.

Focus zones and multiple breakout spaces go some way to replicating the privacy often desired by those that prefer to work from home. In addition, living plants, on-site refreshments, restaurant facilities, games room, etc are just some of the many nuances that can be applied to a modern-day workspace.

Going the extra mile when Investing in your HQ will undoubtedly boost morale whilst also giving a WOW first impression from customers, prospects, suppliers, and beyond.

So why do we make such a fuss? 

In our continuous quest to “be better than we were yesterday” our new HQ fit-out is another notable milestone on our growth journey and is a further statement of intent.

We can’t wait to share our new facility with all our stakeholders and we’re brimming with excitement. When investing in your workspace u[grade do expect to realise a range of features including:

  1. Space to Collaborate and Innovate: Our new head office provides us with ample space to foster collaboration among our talented team members. We believe in the power of teamwork and collective intelligence, which has been the driving force behind our success. The new workspace will enable us to exchange ideas freely, brainstorm innovative solutions, and continue providing unparalleled service.
  2. Upgraded Efficiency and Technology: With this move, we’re not just changing addresses; we’re upgrading our operations to the next level. Our new head office is equipped with state-of-the-art technology and infrastructure, enabling us to optimise our time in the office further.
  3. Embracing Modern Trends:The world of retail is constantly evolving, and we’ve always been eager to stay ahead of the curve as a logistics partner of choice. Our new modern head office reflects our commitment to embracing the latest trends in the industry and daring to be more than the norm.
  4. Celebrating Success: This move isn’t just about us; it’s also a celebration of our customer’s success. As we grow as a business, so do our customers. We’ve had the privilege of witnessing customer growth and we’re excited to be part of that journey to success. Our new head office will allow us to continue to serve customers better and continue nurturing our partnerships for years to come.
  5. A Home for Our 3PL Family: Finally, this new head office represents a home for our 3PL family – our colleagues, partners, and customers. We want everyone to feel welcomed and valued whenever they step through our doors. Whether it’s a face-to-face meeting or a friendly chat over the phone, we’re dedicated to providing a warm and supportive environment that fosters growth and collaboration.

Remember – Your office is your brand! 

As the old saying goes “You never get a second chance at making a good first impression.”

As we hurtle towards cutting the ribbon on our new HQ here are our Top Ten Tips for you to consider

  1. Create a vision without budgetary constraints (It’s free to dream)
  2. Involve members of your team (it’s their office too)
  3. Agree on a budget and work backward
  4. Engage with a professional design and fit-out company (it’s their area of expertise)
  5. Your office space is a chance for you to tell the world, who you are and what you represent
  6. Create a project map and appoint a PM
  7. Create an internal comms plan and keep everyone involved
  8. Create some basic rules for office use and brief accordingly
  9. Review regularly and fine-tune as you go
  10. Ensure that any major fit construction carries the relevant planning permissions

Act Now – The clock is ticking on the credibility of your brand and the welfare of your people 

Stay tuned for more updates as we “pop the cork” and settle into our inspirational new HQ.

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Nice to meet you, I am a marketing lover with a flair for creating strategies and engaging content that aligns with a brands image and ethos. I've been fortunate to work with brands in the fashion, health, and beauty industries, creating compelling narratives that resonate with their audience.

Frequently asked questions

Why is investing in a well-designed office space important for a business?

A thoughtfully designed office not only enhances employee morale and productivity but also makes a strong first impression on customers, suppliers, and partners, reflecting the company’s values and commitment to excellence.

How can an inspiring workspace improve employee performance and satisfaction?

By providing focus zones, breakout spaces, and amenities like games rooms and refreshments, a workspace tailored to employee needs encourages comfort, reduces stress, and promotes a healthier, more productive working environment.

What are the benefits of relocating to a new, modern headquarters?

Relocating to a modern headquarters equipped with the latest technology and designed for collaboration allows a business to optimise operations, embrace industry trends, and provide a supportive environment for its workforce.