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Hey everyone,

It’s time for the latest edition of our inside 3PL series.

So far you’ve met John Scully, Brandon Vaughan and Hannah Banks

In this edition, we would like you to meet Kath Knowles. Kath has worked in the logistics industry for 22 years and since joining 3PL has taken leadership of our thriving Value-Added Services division, helping our customers to get more from their order fulfilment and offer better unboxing experiences. Around our Wigan HQ, Kath is known for her enthusiasm and can always be spotted with a huge smile on her face and encouraging her team.

Ready to learn more about Kath? Here we go

Barry Ryan: First, can you tell me a little bit about your background what you do here at 3PL?

Kath Knowles: I started with 3PL in May 2020 as Operations Controller which was very rewarding as I was learning new skills and broadening my horizons as I have been in logistics for 23 years. (I know I don’t look that old!) This led me to be back Operational as such, and that led me to a new role but a very rewarding role in Value Added Services Manager, this is a newly created role, and I can’t wait to take this to the next level. Our Value-Added Services solution is exactly what it says – we look at doing the extra’s – From Kitting – to SMU (stock make up) to subscription boxes to a full reworking of stock and not forgetting Returns Processing. There is nothing we can’t do for our partners; we have everything they need to scale right here at 3PL.

Barry: Why did you decide to join 3PL?

Kath: Believe it or not I was approached a while ago to join the business (not by the business owner) when my boy was only a toddler (10 years ago) but it was not the right time to concentrate on me or my career. I then had the opportunity again, I thought ‘I’m not getting any younger’ and if I want to make something of myself then grab this opportunity with both hands, very nerve-racking as I had been with the same company for nearly 22 years. Guess what? it was the best decision as I feel so valued and recognised for my efforts and working with some fantastic Managers who share the same goals and values as myself.

Barry: What does your day to day typically look like?

Kath: First and foremost – The kettle goes on and very strong coffee to start the day, catch up on a few emails before my team arrive, I then have 5 Minutes with the team, (as we have a Monday morning meeting to discuss what the week lies ahead for us). Firstly, I check they are all ok and are happy. SMILES are a massive thing for me within the team. A happy team makes for a happy Workplace. I then talk around what activities we need to undertake for the day and if they have any issues or anything, they think we can change to improve or make things better. I then jump (not literally) into the morning meeting with the Management Team to discuss how we performed collectively for the previous day and what are our hotspots for the day ahead. When I finish there, I catch up with my 2 fellow Managers (we are known as the 3 amigo’s – honestly cannot think why) we discuss our 3 divisions and talk around resourcing between ourselves – as we say ‘one in all in.’ From then I could either be hands-on or in the background planning or pricing out.

Barry: What’s your favourite thing about working at 3PL?

Kath: Wow where do I start … Firstly the Environment – It is a family orientated business and even though I have only been here for a short period of time, I feel like one of the Family- my motto is ‘#teamworkmakesthedreamwork.’ Secondly, it is highly rewarding to see the effort your team have put in when you see the parcels leave the warehouse knowing that I have also had an influential part to play in that, I also follow a couple of our customers on Instagram ( and no I’m not a stalker) and when I see their customers opening up there subscription boxes absolutely delighted – I feel a sense of pride that as a Team we have made helped to make someone so happy.

Barry: Can you tell our readers about how the order fulfilment and logistics industry has changed over the past 12 months?

Kath: Logistics has dramatically changed in the last 12 months due to the covid-19 pandemic. More and more people are buying online, and this is leading to the ecommerce business going from strength to strength, we as a company did record volumes last year, and I was privileged to be a part of that.

Barry: What’s a fun fact about you?

Kath: I’m a social butterfly – When I’m out, I’m out… roll on those pubs opening up   – seriously I run a rounders team who have been named Team of the Year for the last 3 years.

Barry: What’s been your personal career highlight working at 3PL?

Kath: With only being at the company a short space of time my career highlight was being offered to run my own division – Value Added Services and I cannot wait to take this to the next stage.

Barry: What makes 3PL a great company to work for?

Kath: 3PL is a family orientated business, which in turn looks after its staff. I have never felt as valued as a person, it’s a company where if you work hard, you can progress and achieve success both personally and professionally. I for one haven’t regretted any minute of being there.

Barry: What advice do you have for prospective 3PL candidates?

Kath: If the opportunity is there grab it with both hands, not very often that they are there, the company is getting growing, and I can only see a great future ahead.

Want to join Kath on the 3PL team?
We’re hiring. Check out our latest roles here.

Speak to 3PL about your eCommerce order fulfiment

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Nice to meet you, I am a marketing lover with a flair for creating strategies and engaging content that aligns with a brands image and ethos. I've been fortunate to work with brands in the fashion, health, and beauty industries, creating compelling narratives that resonate with their audience.