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Hi everyone

It’s time for this month’s edition of Inside 3PL.

In this edition, we get to introduce you to another 3PL superstar.

So far, you’ve met John Scully, Brandon Vaughan, Hannah Banks and Kath Knowles.

In this edition of Inside 3PL, I am super excited to introduce you to Rebecca Whalley Rebecca is Finance and Admin Manager at our HQ in Wigan. Rebecca began life at 3PL as an apprentice and since then she has never looked back.

Ready to meet Rebecca? Keep scrolling

Barry Ryan: To start, can you tell me a little bit about your background what you do at 3PL?

Rebecca Whalley: Started as an apprentice 9 years ago and now I’m the Finance & Admin Manager. I create and send customers invoices and also deal with supplier invoices. I do the payroll for the company and maintain the annualised hours tracker. I deal with finance such as Cash Flow, Bank recs, journals, making payments, credit control etc.

Lots of important work that goes on behind the scenes at 3PL

Barry: Why did you decide to join 3PL?

Rebecca: Initially, I wanted to start an apprenticeship to gain experience in a work environment and seeing the 3PL vacancy for Finance and Admin Apprentice stood out to me. I researched the company and really liked the sound of what 3PL did, the customers they worked with the passion for delivering excellent customer service.

Barry: What does your day to day typically look like?

Rebecca: Audits on transactions (sales & purchases), raising invoices, paying bills, chasing money, checking employee hours – it’s the crucial nuts and bolts work that goes on behind the scenes but really important for the business to run smoothly.

Barry: What’s your favourite thing about working at 3PL?

Rebecca: Firstly, it has to be the people. We have a really good group of genuinely good people that do great work every day. Secondly, it’s opportunities that arise. The business has experienced huge growth over the past few years with investment in a new Regional Distribution Centre and order fulfilment technologies and this has created lots of opportunities for everyone to progress their career, just like me!

Barry: Can you tell our readers about how the order fulfilment and logistics industry has changed in your time with 3PL?

Rebecca: The general awareness of the industry as a whole has exploded to the wider public. When I first started at 3PL it was hard to explain to people what we did but now everyone understands eCommerce order fulfilment as they just say, ‘like amazon’. The demand for our services has never been greater.

Barry: What’s been your personal career highlight working at 3PL?

Rebecca: My proudest moment has to be starting out as an apprentice and then progressing to Finance & Admin Manager. It has been an incredible journey and goes to show that hard work will pay off.

Barry: What makes 3PL a great company to work for?

Rebecca: The support and training that is given, I had great support throughout my apprenticeship and even after I passed that 3PL put me on more courses to gain more knowledge that I could apply to my role. You also absorb lots of information from just being around other 3PL managers.

Barry: What advice do you have for prospective 3PL candidates?

Rebecca:  Just go for! Give 100% commitment and passion to your role and you can have a great career at 3PL.

Want to join Rebecaa on the 3PL team?
We’re hiring. Check out our latest roles here.

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Nice to meet you, I am a marketing lover with a flair for creating strategies and engaging content that aligns with a brands image and ethos. I've been fortunate to work with brands in the fashion, health, and beauty industries, creating compelling narratives that resonate with their audience.