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Welcome back to Inside 3PL, where we introduce you to the amazingly talented people that make 3PL such an amazing place to work.

So far, you’ve met John ScullyBrandon VaughanHannah BanksKath KnowlesRebecca Whalley, Leon Parkinson , Tony Barnes and Linda Ashton.

Today, It gives me great pleasure to introduce you to Abbie Booth, Customer Support. Abbie brings enthusiasm, positivity and cat stories wherever she goes and is hugely popular with 3PL customers, building close personal relationships and always looking to go the extra mile to put a smile on their faces. (Take a look at what For Goodness Shakes had to say in their customer success story)

Ready to meet Abbie? Let’s do it


Barry Ryan: To start, can you tell me a little bit about your role at 3PL. What are you responsible for?

Abbie Booth: Customer Account Management is all about being a dedicated customer care contact with the intention to always care for your customer. If there is a problem, it is your responsibility to fix that. Similarly, if something good happens it is our task to relay this to the wider business to allow for full visibility on customer gratitude. You have to build strong personal relationships with the customer and many conversations begin about work-related matters and you end laughing and joking, it is really incredible to be a part of.

BR: Why did you decide to get into Customer Account Management?

AB: I am such a sociable person, speaking with different business leaders and having the power to make a positive impact on their day is so appealing for me. I think I have found a natural flare in a customer account management role within a logistics company because it allows me to problem solve and puts me under the sort of pressure that I thrive on daily.

BR: Why did you decide to join 3PL?

AB: I spent the initial period of the pandemic in a customer-facing, key worker role and I decided that I had more potential, so I started to explore what fields I would enjoy working in that could use some of the key skills that I’ve learnt working in customer service for around 8 years. I saw the advertisement for 3PL and after reading what it entailed and doing my background research, I saw the opportunity to work for a fantastic company and I took it.

BR: What’s been your favourite project to work on at 3PL?

AB: I do really love customer support and account management; you get to see the start to end process and have the power to make a positive impact on somebody’s order experience. It is really satisfying.

BR: Before working at 3PL what was the most unusual or interesting job you’ve ever had?

AB: I think my favourite job (before 3PL of course) was being a florist. I loved the people and learning about different flowers and what they represent. All of this is in spite of the fact that I have really bad hay fever.

BR: What’s a fun fact about you?

AB: Outside of 3PL, I am a singer in a band. I also am the very proud mum of two kittens, Reggae and Jazz.

BR: What three words describe 3PL?

AB: Engaging, challenging and successful.

BR: What makes 3PL a great company to work for?

AB: The people, hands down the people. Spending every day, sometimes in high-pressure situations, with the same people and having the ability to go home laughing and smiling really does set 3PL above the rest.

BR: What do you think creates a great customer experience?

AB: Building not only a professional but personal relationship with the customers who we speak with daily. I often find that by the end of a phone call with one of our customers, we are so far from work topics that I am sure the others in the office wonder what I am actually up to on a daily basis. It makes them feel valued, listened to and respected.

BR: What advice do you have for prospective 3PL candidates?

AB: Be yourself. As daunting as it may be coming into such a busy environment, be yourself. You will soon find that every person has a specific role to play in the dynamic here and establishing that from the get-go is an absolute must.

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Nice to meet you, I am a marketing lover with a flair for creating strategies and engaging content that aligns with a brands image and ethos. I've been fortunate to work with brands in the fashion, health, and beauty industries, creating compelling narratives that resonate with their audience.