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Welcome back to Inside 3PL, where we introduce you to the amazingly talented people that make 3PL such an amazing place to work.

So far, you’ve met John ScullyHannah BanksKath KnowlesRebecca Whalley, Leon Parkinson , Abbie BoothChristian Glascott and Cory Lowe

Today, It gives me great pleasure to introduce you to Emanuel Marques Lourenco, a Full Stack Developer who is responsible for optimising our in-house 3PL technologies across the business.

Ready to meet Emanuel? Let’s do it


Barry Ryan: To start, can you tell me a little bit about your role at 3PL. What are you responsible for?

Emanuel Lourenco: I am responsible for maintaining and adding new features to the 3PL technology systems such as Fusion, our client-facing Cloud Based Order Fulfilment Platform or the 3PL mobile app used internally, designed to help our members of staff carry out a wide range of tasks that improve our speed of service.

BR: Why did you decide to get into your current job role?

EL: Ever since I remember, I have been fascinated by software/applications that in one way or another make people’s lives easier and better, and I’ve had the desire to learn how this is achieved and then apply myself to create something that does exactly that.

BR: Why did you decide to join 3PL?

EL: I believed that at 3PL I could help the team by implementing new systems and features that make their jobs, whether it be a client or member of staff, a little bit easier and in logistics, this is essential as it involves a wide range of processes where the room for improvement and innovation is constantly present.

BR: What’s been your favourite project to work on at 3PL?

EL: Adding a scan to cage feature to our warehouse App was probably my favourite project because I got to directly deal with warehouse procedures and come up with ways to make it intuitive and helpful to the warehouse staff and make their lives a little bit easier.

BR: Before working at 3PL what was the most unusual or interesting job you’ve ever had?

EL: Whilst being an intern at my university I was able to experiment with different technologies such as programable robots and VR setups.

BR: What’s a fun fact about you?

EL: I was once the drummer of an amateur Christian rock band!

BR: What three words describe 3PL?

EL: Third-Party Logistics

BR: What makes 3PL a great company to work for?

EL: 3PL is a company that is always looking to improve across all its different departments which makes it great for someone in my position as I get exposure to all of them, facing new challenges along the way.

BR: What do you think creates a great customer experience?

EL: Customer needs are ever-changing and so it is great when their feedback and feature requests are met with actions from our part, where we can satisfy their needs and improve our service with them.

BR: What advice do you have for prospective 3PL candidates?

EL: Be ready for new challenges and ready to adapt to different situations and you will have a huge part to play in the company’s growth.


Want to join Emanuel on the 3PL team? We’re hiring. Check out our latest roles here.

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